Bach flowers
The series of 38 natural essences extracted from wild flowers whose healing properties were discovered by Dr. Edward Bach are called Bach Flowers.
And who is Dr. Bach?
In 1886 Edward Bach was born in Moseley, near Birmingham (England), on September 24. His family was, however, of Welsh origin.
Since childhood he stands out for his love of nature, for his sensitivity and for his empathy.
Throughout his life he obtained several Medicine degrees awarded by different Universities. He works as a Surgeon, Bacteriologist and Immunologist and establishes his own office and laboratory.
In 1917 Bach suffered a hemorrhage. He undergoes emergency surgery for a widespread abdominal tumor and is predicted to be 3 months old. Bach does not care about the diagnosis and continues his work. He achieves a miraculous recovery, concluding that when a person shows interest and has a clear purpose in life, it is much easier for them to overcome diseases.
In 1919 he entered the London Homeopathic Hospital where he made important discoveries related to vaccines. His experience allows him to observe that there is a close relationship between personality and disease. For years he watches his patients and tries to classify their personalities into groups. Throughout his investigations he comes to classify people into 12 different typologies.
In 1929 he completely abandoned conventional medicine. He sells all his belongings, burns his jobs (which were not few), and renounces all the benefits that his previous discoveries earned him (which were not few). He moves to Wales to develop a new natural therapy. He realizes that people must be treated comprehensively. Not only the symptoms of the disease but also the mindset and attitude.
Bach wants to create a non-aggressive therapy, the effect of which is safe, painless, healing both the body and the mind, and is so simple that anyone can understand it. Find the answer in a series of flowers that you discover.
In 1931 Bach publishes "Heal Yourself". The first work of the new therapy, where he explains his vision of the disease.
In April 1934, Bach moved to Sotwell, to a little house called Mount Vernon. There he will continue to research, develop therapy and write simple books available to everyone.
Edit "The 12 Curators and Four Helpers" (which later reissued with reviews and additions). The 12 healers correspond to the flowers that will be used to heal the 12 types of people.
In 1936 Bach ends his work. He has discovered 38 flower remedies. Review and rewrite his book now titled The 12 Healers and Other Remedies including his most recent discoveries.
Edward Bach died in 1936 peacefully while sleeping, with the certainty of having fulfilled his mission in life, leaving us all these 38 remedies that we call Bach Flowers.
Currently in Mount Vernon is the Bach Center. There the remedies continue to be prepared according to the original indications and the work of Edward Bach is disseminated through courses and conferences.
Life is like a school:
As in all schools there are syllabi to learn and exams to see if we have learned. Similarly, if we fail in June, we will always have another opportunity: the September call. What if we suspend again? So no problem. We have more opportunities: we repeat the course and that's it.
Sometimes we are very concerned about repeating the course but, from the point of view of learning, it is just one more opportunity. And opportunities are always good companions.
Apart from the final exams in June, we also have the quarterly controls, which usually take average and that help us see if we are really learning or not. These are opportunities that tell us if we are on the right track towards passing or if, on the contrary, we are not understanding anything.
We could say that the disease is like those quarterly controls. Illness tells us that we are doing something wrong and we will not approve. It is true that if we do not pass in June we can go to the September call but ... better to pass in June, right?
The subjects of the school:
People are born to learn a series of subjects in this life. Bach called them "virtues" and stated that there were no more than two or three that the person has to learn throughout a life.
As discussed in the previous section, Bach had the opportunity to treat countless people. He watched, analyzed, and studied them carefully to discover their yearnings, their motivations, their sadness, and their character.
He classified people into 12 different typologies to which he gave the name of the flower that can help us. Each person is born with a dominant typology with an associated "defect". Overcoming this defect is neither more nor less the virtue to develop or the lesson we have to learn.
Here you have a simple table with the 12 typologies, the associated defect and the virtue to be developed:
Agrimony Restlessness / Peace
Centaury Weakness Dependency / Firmness
Chicory Restriction / Love
Cerato Ignorance / Wisdom
Clematis Indifference / Goodness
Gentian Duda / Understanding
Impatiens Impatience / Indulgence
Mimulus Fear / Compassion
Rock Rose Terror / Valor
Scleranthus Indecision / Stability
Verbain Fanaticism / Tolerance
Water violet Disillusionment regret / Joy
So ... why do I get sick?
Well ... very simple. We get sick when we are not doing what we feel we have to do. We all have an inner little voice that speaks to us. Sometimes we listen to it and sometimes we ignore it.
On the one hand Bach considered that people or living beings are something much more complex than a physical body, encompassing other bodies that most people do not detect but that we should not deny their existence on the other hand, Bach also considered that EVERYTHING it is part of a whole, so that each individual can be interpreted as a partial manifestation of THIS ALL. The third important point is that Bach embraced the idea of reincarnation that allows living beings to learn and evolve in each of their lives. From this it follows that in each life we learn little more than a couple of lessons. Reincarnation would correspond to the different courses, whether we repeat them or not. Explained this, we can say that we are connected with something called SOUL or SUPERIOR I that turns out to be immortal and that is the "essence" that accompanies us during different lives having full knowledge of what we have come to do, learn and develop. The soul communicates through different channels (intuition, instinct and conscience) with the person's mind. The relationship between this communication and behavior gives rise to two possible options:
The ALMA dictates are received and the behavior is consistent with them. This situation is generating health That is: WE ARE LISTENING TO AND FOLLOWING THE VOCECITA'S INDICATIONS
The dictates of the SOUL are not received or they are but the behavior is INCONGRUENT. This situation is unbalanced and generates disease. That is to say: WE HEAR THE VOCECITA BUT WE PASS OLYMPICALLY ON IT.
The disease is then generated when the dictation of the soul is not followed. People do not always behave according to its messages. In time, when the spiritual conflict is still there, physical illness appears. It appears to indicate that we are not listening to ourselves and that it is time for us to do so. Physical illness comes to tell us: Come on, wake up that you are going to suspend the quarterly control and then you will not pass in June!
Therefore, incongruity begins on a mental / emotional plane and ends up crystallizing in the physical body. This "crystallization" is the last phase of the disease, not the first.
Bach defended that if we follow the dictates of our soul, disease cannot exist. Happiness is the antidote to illness. And so that we all have it a little easier, he left us his floral system.
And being so easy ... why don't I listen to myself?
It is true, written on a paper it seems very easy, but then the day to day is not so simple, right?
But ... why isn't it so easy?
Bach also had an answer to this question. He stated that the most widespread defects are:
- The ignorance
- Selfishness
- Instability
- Hatred
- The cruelty
- Pride
- Greed
These general defects are what make us turn away first from ourselves and second from our path. They produce the necessary "deafness" to not listen to the little voice that we all have, making us not even know what is the subject that we have to learn.
In fact, at first glance we can see that these general defects are what are behind most of the tragedies in the history of humanity: wars, violence, thirst for power, exploitation, etc ...
Healing is only possible if we know how to go back to find the cause of the disease.
Normally we don't like that much. We usually say: "I don't know why this happens to me", "I haven't done anything wrong to make this happen" or "I don't deserve this to happen to me". Another style of phrases could be. "Is that I am like this and I do not intend to change", "I am like this and I cannot change", or simply "I am like that, period"
Flowers help us change these rigid views. They help us to overcome the defect caused by "deafness", to overcome the defect associated with our typology, namely the subject that we have come to learn and pass it.
Sometimes we are not physically sick (we have not reached that state) but we are constantly irritated, nervous or distressed. It is our attitude that is sick, the channel of communication with ourselves is somewhat blocked.
Flowers change your life from the inside, not from the outside.
You will still find a caravan to go to work, but instead of getting distressed you may decide to take advantage of the time to listen to a fun radio program in the car. You will still have to pay the mortgage, but you will learn not to get overwhelmed thinking that you have 35 more years to pay. Perhaps your job will not fill you but you will accept that thanks to him you support your family, learning to give it just importance.
In short, you will awaken the antidotes to general defects, bringing to your life:
- Peace
- Hope
- Joy
- Trust
- Security
- Wisdom
- Love
Although… don't expect the Flowers to do everything for you. You also have to do your part, huh? Don't be lazy !!!!!
One of the many strengths of Bach Flowers is that we can take them ALL, ABSOLUTELY ALL.
Bach wanted to create a non-aggressive therapy, whose effect was safe, that did not cause pain, that healed both the body and the mind, and that was so simple that anyone could understand it.
He managed to create a system that:
- It has no contraindications
- Has no side effects
- It is compatible with any other treatment
- It is accessible to all for its simplicity
- It even serves as a preventive treatment
- It is absolutely safe.
Are you sure it has no contraindications?
Sure, it has none. No matter what illness you have, you can take Bach flowers. It doesn't matter how old you are, because you can always take them. Even babies or people who are in a coma, or pregnant women.
Are you sure it has no side effects?
Sure, they don't have any side effects. The flowers will not spoil your liver. You also don't have to be careful in case they spoil your stomach, because they won't. If you forget a shot nothing happens. And if you want to take them more often there is no problem either.
Of course, it is possible that the flowers produce surprising changes that are difficult to manage at first. For example, highly subservient people learn to say NO, causing people next to them to be surprised.
Let's take an example:
María José is a very sweet girl. Everyone appreciates her because she never says no. She works like a black woman and when she gets home she keeps working on her making everything perfect.
She feels overwhelmed but continues to work to keep everyone happy. She really is convinced that it is the only way they want her and submits to the will of others. Does not know how to say no. In fact, he is unaware of his submission and even apologizes to others.
One day Maria decides to try the Bach flowers. After a few weeks, she surprises herself saying things like: "Okay, I'm not going to do this because I'm tired and you are abusing my good will and you are passing yourself."
He begins to answer things like: "I am very sorry but I am not going to finish this today, I am overworked and I am not going to absorb any more." He arrives home and says: "Today we will order a pizza because I have had a tiring day and I am NOT going to make dinner" and "we have to organize the theme of meals because I cannot do everything myself".
Obviously, both her coworkers and her family (who all lived very calmly since they took responsibility on her) are surprised.
Maria's life has changed. Now she feels more rested. Gradually everyone accepts their responsibilities and stops acting like a poor subject.
Consequently the lives of others have also changed. Now each one must assume his responsibility and respect Mary as she deserves. At first, peers and family may complain, but before long everything will be adjusted. The side effect in this case is for the others, not for Maria.
Mix of essences in a glass of water:
2 drops of each essence should be put in a glass of water, taking into account that if the prescribed flowers are the Rescue Remedy, 4 should be added.
Throughout the day you have to drink sips.
Preparation in a dropper:
This is the form most used by therapists. It allows mixing the drops and dosing them more precisely. Besides, it is also the most comfortable option for the person who takes them.
A 30 ml amber glass dropper is filled. (they sell them in pharmacies) with water of the best possible quality. A tenth of a good quality cognac is added, which will act as a preservative.
Two drops of each of the essences prescribed by the therapist will be added to this mixture.
Preparation in a sprayer:
Prepare it as if it were a dropper. Instead of taking it orally, we can spray the environment or the skin. It is very useful for people who do not like to put creams because they feel that they have sticky skin.
Add 1 to 10 drops of the concentrate of each selected essence for every 30 grams of cream, oil or lotion. It is important that creams, oils and lotions are as neutral as possible and of good quality.
The frequency we are going to say "Standard" is 4 shots a day. Each take is 4 drops of the dropper mixture, which is dropped under the tongue.
However, much has been said about this subject, since there is no detailed information from Dr. Bach himself. The shots can vary widely.
For acute cases, such as a person who has seen an accident and has a heart at a thousand per hour, the drops can be taken every 30 seconds if necessary. There is never an overdose.
It is important to know that:
Come on, if you have forgotten one take, you don't have to take twice as many drops in the next. In fact, nothing happens to forget a shot, but it is better to be a little disciplined.
For creams, the same thing happens. It depends on the ailment, but as a general rule, 2 times a day is enough.
The effects usually manifest between 3 and 4 weeks.
However, the duration of the shots will depend on the person's problem. Although essences can and indeed are used in short periods, their ideal use is for a longer period to establish the change we need on a physical, mental and emotional level.
To the person who notices dramatic changes in a month, I would recommend continuing to take the flowers for another month to finish setting the treatment.
At other times, the first month will serve to bring out feelings or thoughts that had been hidden in remote places of the mind. Once these come to the surface, the treatment of the second month will serve to correct them, while the one of the first month has served to bring them to the surface.
In any case, think that flowers WILL NEVER CREATE AN ADDICTION.
Bach Flowers DO NOT function as the active ingredients in conventional medicine. They have no chemistry. They are not manufactured in any laboratory and DO NOT contain anything that could harm us.
Bach flowers work on an energetic or vibrational level.
In order to explain it in more detail, I think it is convenient to take into account the following premises:
MATTER is not matter in itself, but is ultimately formed exclusively by ENERGY. Any matter is made up of molecules that in turn are made up of atoms made up of smaller elements and that in the end these are made up of energy exclusively. What then differentiates one matter from another is only the vibration of this energy, but EVERYTHING IS ENERGY. , EVERYTHING IS A VIBRATION. Any matter, whether it is part of a living organism or not, vibrates. Flowers, as part of the great whole, also vibrate in a certain way.
When we think of something nice, we VIBRATE in a certain way. When we think of something that causes us pain we vibrate from another.
Note that when we feel happy, we can see it in our faces. We are radiant, active, and somehow give off something nice. When we are stressed or overwhelmed we are also seen in league, we release stress, or overwhelm, or nervousness and the people around us also notice it.
Each of the Bach VIBRA Flowers in a specific way. When we take them, this VIBRATION adjusts OUR UNBALANCED VIBRATION.
If we take a Flower for sadness, what it does is ADJUST THE VIBRATION that we generate when we are sad, so that it cancels it out. When that VIBRATION is compensated, we stop being sad.
Bach classified the flowers into 7 different groups that corresponded to similar emotional states. All the flowers in each group have a common denominator.
The groups are as follows:
GROUP 1: Remedies for those who are afraid:
GROUP 2: Remedies for those suffering from uncertainty:
GROUP 3: Remedies for those who have no interest in the present:
GROUP 4: Remedies for those who feel alone:
GROUP 5: Remedies for those who are hypersensitive or highly influential:
GROUP 6: Remedies for those who feel dejected, discouraged or desperate
GROUP 7: Remedies for those who suffer for others.
However, I have to explain that they do not serve me much. It is very good to know that Dr. Bach classified his remedies in this specific way, but this form is not very intuitive to me. I repeat: "it doesn't do much good to me." I can only speak for myself.
For example: if we consider someone who is discouraged we could also say that they have no interest in the present. Those who suffer for others, we could also say that they are afraid. So they actually intermingle.
However, to explain the flowers in an orderly manner, we will follow Dr. Bach's classification.
GROUP 1: Remedies for those who are afraid:
Rock Rose: The extreme panic.
Mimulus: Fear of specific situations
Cherry Plum: Fear of losing control.
Aspen: Fear we can't explain
Red Chestnut: Fear for loved ones
GROUP 2: Remedies for those suffering from uncertainty:
Cerato: Constant doubt. Always ask others for opinions
Scleranthus: Constant doubt. Always oscillate between two options.
Gentian: Pessimism in general.
Gorse: Hopelessness. He has thrown in the towel.
Hornbeam: Selective tiredness. Apathy for certain things.
Wild Oat: General dissatisfaction. It finds no vocation.
GROUP 3: Remedies for those who have no interest in the present:
Clematis: Disconnected from the world. Live in the clouds.
Honeysuckle: Anchored in the past.
Wild Rose: Pure and simple apathy.
White Chestnut: Stuck in torture thoughts.
Olive: Tired after an effort.
Mustard: Depression or acute sadness.
Chestnut Bud: They don't learn from error. They always fall into them.
GROUP 4: Remedies for those who feel alone:
Water Violet: They isolate themselves from others
Impatients: Constantly accelerated.
Heather: They give the note to get attention.
GROUP 5: Remedies for those who are hypersensitive or highly influential:
Agrimony: Concealment of your sadness.
Centaur: Submission, unable to refuse anything
Walnut: Bad adaptation.
Holly: Anger, jealousy.
GROUP 6: Remedies for those who feel dejected, discouraged or desperate
Larch: Low self-esteem.
Pine: Feelings of guilt.
Elm: They feel overwhelmed, they can't take it anymore.
Sweet Chestnut: Extreme anguish.
Star of Bethlehem: Shock due to trauma.
Willow: Resentment
Crab Apple: Feeling of impurity, of dirt.
Oak: Excessive work, does not accept fatigue.
GROUP 7: Remedies for those who suffer for others:
Chicory: Possessiveness. They give in exchange for being given.
Vervain: Convincing fans. They believe they are possessors of absolute truth.
I came: Authoritarians who want to subdue everyone.
Beech: Intolerant of others. Critics in excess.
Rock Water: Rigid with themselves to incredible extremes. Low adaptability
Sometimes therapists, as we already know what the topic is about, take for granted things that other people do not know or use language that can, for the neophyte, lead to confusion.
Thus, when you read phrases such as: "Rock Water is the height of perfection, from which not an iota deviates", do not think that the flower causes this. On the contrary, what happens is that the Rock Water flower helps people who are too rigid with blissful perfection.
We often use this way of expressing ourselves, saying that Chicory blackmails emotionally, that Centaury submits, and that Beech is a picky eater. All this is to avoid having to give names to the examples. Instead of saying: Pepito is an intolerant person who believes ... blah blah blah, we say Beech is an intolerant, etc ...
If you need your personalized formula, you can request it here.