In Celtic culture, each moon state acquired a name and a property, as well as with each of the trees, designing a protective horoscope based on both elements.
The Celts cultivated a worldview deeply rooted in nature. That is why his ideas on metaphysics and predestination relied on trees. Druid sages based time on the phases of the moon and its ritual centers, or cathedrals, on the trees they represented the virtue of a divinity.
This is how each moon state acquired a name and a property, as well as each of the trees designing a protective horoscope based on both elements, which constitutes a universe of 21 trees according to the following lunar dates.
Two trees for the equinoxes
- Olive for the autumn equinox; September 23,
- Oak for the spring equinox; March 21st.
Two trees for the solstices
- Birch for the summer solstice; June 24,
- Beech for the winter solstice; December 22th.
The remaining 17 trees, Fir, Poplar, Maple, Hazel, Carpe, Castaño, Cedro, Ciprés, Fresno, Higuera, Manzano, Nogal, Olmo, Pino, Sauce, Rowan and Tilo, distributed in equidistant and opposite periods.
The exception is the Alamo, which covered three periods.
- December 23 to January 01 - Apple tree: (Love) - Of light build, a lot of charisma, she is a striking and attractive person, with a pleasant aura, flirtatious, adventurous, sensitive, always in love, wants to love and be loved, faithful and tender companion, very generous, of scientific talents , lives day by day, carefree philosopher with imagination. Totally clueless.
- January 02 to January 11 - Fir Tree: (the Mystery) - She is a person of extraordinary good taste, dignity, sophisticated, loves beauty, temperamental, stubborn, tends to selfishness but cares for those who are close, rather modest, very ambitious, talented, industrious, loving unsatisfied, from many friends and enemies, very reliable.
- January 12 to January 24 - Elm Tree: (Noble Mind) - Pleasant figure, good taste in clothing, modest demands, tends not to forget mistakes, happy, likes to command but not obey, is an honest and faithful couple, likes to make decisions for others , noble-minded, generous, with a good sense of humor, practical.
- January 25 to February 03 - The Cypress: (Fidelity) - Strong, muscular, adaptable, takes what life has to give him, is a satisfied person, optimistic, craves money and recognition, hates loneliness, is a passionate couple and always dissatisfied, faithful, altered easily, unruly, pedantic, and selfless.
- February 04 to February 08 - Poplar: (Uncertainty) - She is a person with a high sense of aesthetics, not very sure of herself, brave only if necessary, she needs to surround herself with a pleasant environment, she is very selective, sometimes lonely, very enthusiastic, artistic in nature A good organizer, she tries to learn through philosophy, reliable in any situation, she takes relationships very seriously.
- February 09 to February 18 - El Cedro: (Confidence) - Of a strange beauty, she knows how to adapt, she likes luxury, she is in good health, she is not at all shy, she tends to help others, self-assured, determined, impatient, she likes to impress others , talented, industrious, healthy optimistic, waiting for the only true love, capable of making decisions quickly.
- February 19 to February 28 - Pine: (Particular) - He loves pleasant company, he is a very robust person, he knows how to make his life comfortable, very active, natural, good company but not always friendly, he falls in love easily but his passion fades after a short time, he he performs easily, he is disappointed in everything until he finds his ideal, he is trustworthy and practical.
- March 01 to March 10 - The Weeping Willow:(Melancholy) - A beautiful but melancholic person, attractive, very empathetic, loves beautiful things and in good taste, loves to travel, relentlessly dreamy, capricious, honest, can be influenced but is difficult to live with, demanding, with good intuition , suffers in love but sometimes finds sustenance in his partner. Sometimes he likes to lie. It is quite friendly.
- March 11 to March 20 - Lime Tree: (Doubt) - Accepts what life gives you in a very complex way, hates fighting, stress and work, dislikes laziness and idleness, is gentle and knows how to give in, makes sacrifices for friends, very talented but not tenacious enough to exploit them, he often laments and complains, he is a very jealous but loyal person.
- March 21 - El Roble: (Courage) - He is a robust person of nature, brave, strong, unforgiving, independent, sensitive, he does not like changes, he keeps his feet firmly on the ground, and he likes action.
- March 22 to March 31 - Hazelnut Tree:(the Extraordinary) - She is a charming person, does not ask for anything, is very understanding, knows how to impress people, confident, open-minded, positivist, active in the fight for social causes, popular, temperamental and capricious, sensual and excessively passionate, beautiful, sensitive, honest and tolerant companion, with a very precise sense of justice.
- April 01 to April 10 - Rowan Tree: (Sensitivity) - Full of charms, happy, gives without expectations, likes to attract attention, loves life, emotions, does not rest, and even likes complications, is both dependent and independent, has good taste, is a artistic, passionate, emotional person, good company, does not forget.
- April 11 to April 20 - Maple Tree: (the Open Mind) - A person out of the ordinary, full of imagination and originality, shy and reserved, ambitious, proud, self-confident, thirsty for new experiences, sometimes nervous, has many complexities, good memory, learns Quickly, with a complicated love life, he likes to impress. You should look for a serious relationship that will fill your life, that would make you happy.
- April 21 to April 30 - El Nogal: (the Passion) - Relentless, she is a strange person and full of contrasts, often selfish, aggressive, noble, with wide horizons, unexpected reactions, spontaneous, ambition without limits, not flexible, she is a difficult and rare couple, He does not always like but is admired, with a strategic genius, very jealous and passionate, he does not compromise.
- May 01 to May 14 - Poplar: (Uncertainty) - She is a person with a high sense of aesthetics, not very sure of herself, brave only if necessary, she needs to surround herself with a pleasant environment, she is very selective, sometimes lonely, very enthusiastic, artistic in nature A good organizer, she tries to learn through philosophy, reliable in any situation, she takes relationships very seriously.
- May 15 to May 24 - Chestnut Tree: (Honesty) - Of unusual beauty, does not want to impress, with a developed sense of justice, vivacious, is an interested person, diplomatic by birth, however he is easily irritated and is very sensitive in company, often for lack of security in itself, sometimes she acts with a sense of superiority, she feels misunderstood, she loves only once, she has difficulty finding a partner.
- May 25 to June 03 - Ash Tree: (Ambition) - She is an exceptionally attractive, vivacious, impulsive, demanding person, does not care about criticism, ambitious, intelligent, full of talents, likes to play with destiny, can be selfish, very reliable and trustworthy, loving faithful and prudent, sometimes his brain controls the heart, but he takes his relationships very seriously.
- June 04 to June 13 - Hornbeam Tree: (The Good Taste) - Of a very fresh beauty, worries about its appearance and its economic condition, of good taste, it is not selfish, it lives in the most comfortable way possible in a reasonable and disciplined way, it looks for kindness and knowledge in a couple emotional, dreams of unusual lovers, is often happy with her feelings, mistrusts most people, is never sure of her decisions, very conscientious.
- June 14 to June 23 - The FIG tree: (Sensitivity) - Very strong, he is a bit of a willing, dependent person, he does not allow contradictions or arguments, he loves life, his family, children and animals, a little socially volatile, good sense of humor. Shy but outgoing. He likes laziness and laziness, practical talent and intelligence. Very sensual and attractive person to the opposite sex. Coast elegance and poise.
- June 24 - Birch Tree: (Inspiration) - A lively, attractive, elegant, friendly, unpretentious, modest person, does not like excesses, abhors the vulgar, loves life in nature and calm, not very passionate, full of imagination, a little ambitious, creates an atmosphere of calm and satisfaction.
- June 25 to July 04 - Apple tree:(Love) - Of light build, a lot of charisma, she is a striking and attractive person, with a pleasant aura, flirtatious, adventurous, sensitive, always in love, wants to love and be loved, faithful and tender companion, very generous, of scientific talents , lives day by day, carefree philosopher with imagination. Totally clueless.
- July 05 to July 14 -Fir Tree:(the Mystery) - She is a person of extraordinary good taste, dignity, sophisticated, loves beauty, temperamental, stubborn, tends to selfishness but cares for those who are close, rather modest, very ambitious, talented, industrious, loving unsatisfied, from many friends and enemies, very reliable.
- July 15 to July 25 -Elm Tree:(Noble Mind) - Pleasant figure, good taste in clothing, modest demands, tends not to forget mistakes, happy, likes to command but not obey, is an honest and faithful couple, likes to make decisions for others , noble-minded, generous, with a good sense of humor, practical.
- July 26 to August 04 -The Cypress:(Fidelity) - Strong, muscular, adaptable, takes what life has to give him, is a satisfied person, optimistic, craves money and recognition, hates loneliness, is a passionate couple and always dissatisfied, faithful, altered easily, unruly, pedantic, and selfless.
- August 05 to August 13 - Poplar: (Uncertainty) - She is a person with a high sense of aesthetics, not very sure of herself, brave only if necessary, she needs to surround herself with a pleasant environment, she is very selective, sometimes lonely, very enthusiastic, artistic in nature A good organizer, she tries to learn through philosophy, reliable in any situation, she takes relationships very seriously.
- August 14 to August 23 -El Cedro:(Confidence) - Of a strange beauty, she knows how to adapt, she likes luxury, she is in good health, she is not at all shy, she tends to help other people, self-confident, determined, impatient, she likes to impress others of many talents, industrious, healthy optimistic, waiting for the only true love, capable of making decisions quickly.
- August 24 to September 02 -Pine:(Particular) - He loves pleasant company, he is a very robust person, he knows how to make his life comfortable, very active, natural, good company but not always friendly, he falls in love easily but his passion fades after a short time, he he performs easily, he is disappointed in everything until he finds his ideal, he is trustworthy and practical.
- September 03 to September 12 -The Weeping Willow:(Melancholy) - A beautiful but melancholic person, attractive, very empathetic, loves beautiful things and in good taste, loves to travel, relentlessly dreamy, capricious, honest, can be influenced but is difficult to live with, demanding, with good intuition , suffers in love but sometimes finds sustenance in his partner. Sometimes he likes to lie. It is quite friendly.
- September 13 to September 22 - Limes tree(Doubt) - He accepts what life gives him in a very complex way, he hates fighting, stress and work, but he dislikes laziness and idleness, he is soft and knows how to give in, he sacrifices for friends, a lot talented but not tenacious enough to exploit them, he often laments and complains, he is a very jealous but loyal person.
- September 23 - El Olivo:(Wisdom) - Loves the sun, warm and tender feelings, reasonable, is a balanced person, avoids aggression and violence, tolerant, cheerful, calm, a well-developed sense of justice, sensitive, empathetic, does not know the jealousy, loves to read and the company of sophisticated people.
- September 24 to October 03 - Hazelnut Tree:(The Extraordinary) - She is a charming person, does not ask for anything, very understanding, knows how to impress people, confident, open-minded, positivist, active in the fight for social causes, popular, temperamental and capricious, sensual and excessively passionate lover , beautiful, sensitive, honest and tolerant companion, with a very precise sense of justice.
- October 04 to October 13 - Rowan Tree:(Sensitivity) - Full of charms, happy, gives without expectations, likes to attract attention, loves life, emotions, does not rest, and even likes complications, is both dependent and independent, has good taste, is a artistic, passionate, emotional person, good company, does not forget.
- October 14 to October 23 - Maple Tree:A person out of the ordinary, full of imagination and originality, shy and reserved, ambitious, proud, self-confident, thirsty for new experiences, sometimes nervous, has many complexities, good memory, learns quickly, with a love life complicated, he likes to impress. You should seek to have a serious relationship that will fill your life, that would make you happy.
- October 24 to November 11 -El Nogal:(the Passion) - Relentless, she is a strange person and full of contrasts, often selfish, aggressive, noble, with wide horizons, unexpected reactions, spontaneous, ambition without limits, not flexible, she is a difficult and rare couple, He does not always like but is admired, with a strategic genius, very jealous and passionate, he does not compromise.
- November 12 to November 21 - Chestnut Tree (Honesty) - Of unusual beauty, does not want to impress, with a developed sense of justice, vivacious, is an interested person, diplomatic by birth, however he is easily irritated and is very sensitive in company, often for lack of security in itself, sometimes she acts with a sense of superiority, she feels misunderstood, she loves only once, she has difficulty finding a partner.
- November 22 to December 01 - Ash Tree(Ambition) - She is an exceptionally attractive, vivacious, impulsive, demanding person, does not care about criticism, ambitious, intelligent, full of talents, likes to play with destiny, can be selfish, very reliable and trustworthy, loving faithful and prudent, sometimes his brain controls the heart, but he takes his relationships very seriously.
- December 02 to December 11 - Hornbeam Tree:(The Good Taste) - Of a very fresh beauty, worries about its appearance and its economic condition, of good taste, it is not selfish, it lives in the most comfortable way possible in a reasonable and disciplined way, it looks for kindness and knowledge in a couple emotional, dreams of unusual lovers, is often happy with her feelings, mistrusts most people, is never sure of her decisions, very conscientious.
- December 12 to December 21 - The FIG tree(Sensitivity) - Very strong, a bit of a willing, dependent person, does not allow contradictions or arguments, loves life, his family, children and animals, a little socially volatile, good sense of humor, shy but outgoing . He likes laziness and laziness, a practical talent in intelligence. Very sensual and attractive person to the opposite sex. Coast elegance and poise.
- December 22 - Beech Tree:(Creativity) - He has good taste, he is concerned with appearances, he is materialistic, he organizes his life and career well, he is a thrifty person, a good leader, he does not take unnecessary risks, he is reasonable, he is a splendid life partner, he likes to keep the line - diet, sports, etc.