La Inteligencia del Corazón: ¿Es el Corazón Otro “Cerebro”?

The Intelligence of the Heart: Is the Heart Another "Brain"?

The word "heart" in English is an anagram of the word "earth." Hence the phrase "home is where the heart resides."


Did you know that the human heart is the organ that generates the electromagnetic field of greater force than any other organ in the human body? In fact, the electromagnetic field of your heart can be measured a few feet from your body. Furthermore, this energy field changes according to your emotions. One thing you should know about your electromagnetic field is that every organ and cell in your body generates an energy field.

Since the heart generates the strongest electromagnetic field, the information found in this field affects every organ and cell in your body. Is this why the heart is the first organ that works in the fetus? In addition to generating the strongest electromagnetic field, the heart has an intelligence of its own, and that is why some neuro-cardiologists refer to it as the heart-brain or the fifth brain.

According to neuro-cardiologists, the heart is not only made up of muscle cells but also of neurons. Researchers at the Institute of HeartMath have conducted experiments that prove that the role of the heart is not limited to pumping blood. They think that it has an intelligence of its own and that it has a fundamental role in the perception of reality.

Below is an excerpt from my book Staradigmthat outlines deeper roles that the heart has:

The heart in one of the main organs of the human body, because it is one of the most important means to connect with others and with the Universe. Conventional science teaches us that the heart's most important role is to pump blood to all the other body systems. This definition of the heart is not the most appropriate. In addition to pumping blood, the heart also has intelligence of its own.

According to neuro-cardiologists, between 60 and 65 percent of heart cells are neuronal cells, not muscle cells. This discovery has helped them develop experiments that have proven that the heart works in a similar way to the brain and in some ways is superior to the brain. This may be why the heart is the first organ to function after conception. After about 20 days after conception, the heart begins to function, but the brain does not begin to function until approximately 90 days. This information tells us that the brain is secondary to the heart.


The Heart, the Brain, and the Feelings


The brain and heart are said to sometimes work in opposite ways. We are constantly trying to determine if we should put more emphasis on our thoughts or feelings. The most rational people would say that the mind is the key to keeping us out of trouble, as the mind thinks in terms of what is best or possibly the safest or the most evaluated risk.

The heart, on the other hand, allows us to feel what is best at an internal level that connects us with our intuition. Working with one of these two organs by itself, only the mind or the heart, can sometimes cause us problems. The mind may be afraid to seek happiness outside the comfort zone, and the heart sometimes demands decisions that are unknown and risky, but using them both in a balanced way can bring much clarity to the person.

Follow your heart is a common phrase very used, but it is not something easy to do. Following the heart means letting deep feelings carry us from one side to the other without any logical response or reasoning. This organ provides a sense of intuition or guidance, but we must have the confidence that we understand when it pushes us in a certain direction. And then we act with complete faith in the outcome. Our feelings are what help us understand a world beyond logic and then they are the key to understanding the spiritual part of ourselves.


The Intelligence of the Heart

Some researchers and neuro-cardiologists are promoting the idea that the heart can actually function like another brain, providing guidance with a different form of intelligence. Many physiological studies are being done regarding this interconnection between the heart and the brain, and why certain sensations and feelings are experienced at the heart level. Generally love and certain emotional states are felt at the heart level, producing deferential physiological reactions in the heart.

The heart beat is affected by internal states and emotions, including disorders in the heart rhythms when you feel stress or negative emotions. Similarly, when we have positive feelings, the heart rates are more cohesive and beat more regularly and stable.

The heart's nervous system contains approximately 40,000 neurons or sensory neurites. One of the roles they have is to monitor heart hormones, neurochemicals, heartbeats, and information about blood pressure. Information about how these chemicals work is also sent to the brain. The heart and brain are always communicating through the vagus nervous system and the body's electromagnetic field. It is through this dynamic communication process that consciousness consciousness of the heart can change how the brain processes information. This process can also affect the way energy flows in the body.

These findings indicate that the heart works alongside the brain in the body, including the amygdala, to process emotions and incorporate emotional memories. The amygdala is the part of the brain that helps us make decisions about incoming information and its processing based on past experiences. This indicates a relationship between emotions, feelings, in the brain itself and human physiology.

Other mental states and stress also affect the body and our general health, and these issues can be linked to the heart as well. Recent scientific studies have discovered that emotions such as anger, anxiety, and other negative feelings can significantly increase the risk of heart disease risk of heart disease. This is why stressful situations and a high level of anxiety negatively affect the heart as an organ.

Connecting the brain to the heart as an emotional processing center is an issue that many researchers are studying. Emotions that are felt at the mental level have also been shown to have physical manifestations in the body, and feelings can affect the rhythms and beats of the heart. The best way to maintain a healthy heart is not only through a healthy diet, but also incorporating meditation techniques to balance the energy of the heart and brain.

Why the Heart Holds the Key to World Peace

The heart helps us understand the world through our feelings. It allows us to understand our reality in a universal way, giving us universal characteristics. This biological electromagnetic field generator allows us to understand ourselves emotionally and beyond, giving us a sense of connection with all things. This emotional connection is what creates union between individuals.

When we learn to think with our hearts, it becomes easier for us to understand and live in harmony with them. For these reasons, the heart has the key to uniting humanity to a world of peace.



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